Barcode software

Call now: 0333 210 2950

ConnX Business Solutions

Our history

ConnX Business Solutions has been operating for 8 years as a Software Solutions Provider. In 2021 ConnX acquired the reseller TSC Business Solutions upon the Directors retirement. This acquisition added Barcode Scanners, Handheld Mobile Devices, Printers, Labels and Ribbons to our suite of services.

Our Mission

SME’s make up some 99% of all Companies in the UK. And the “S” of SME represents the lions share. Yet they are still under served by Software Companies who are all too keen to focus on developing cumbersome and complex ERP implementations which are beyond the means and requirements of many small businesses.

ConnX was created to cater to just these Companies with the goal of developing powerful business changing software solutions which are affordable and easy to implement.

Our whole team work from home, keeping overheads low, and we conduct most of our work online via Teams. This includes presales, training, and installation as well as ongoing support. By adopting modern business practices, like online working we keep our costs low ensuring our software remains affordable – Modern thinking, built on strong foundations.

Our senior team

Chris Waine – Managing Director
Chris has over 25 years’ experience in implementing Barcoding solutions. His unique skill set has allowed him to truly understand the specific requirements of small to medium sized businesses and utilise his knowledge of software development to build a product and a business which is focused on meeting clients’ needs and budget. 

Martin Cameron – Projects specialist
Martin ran TSC Business for over 10 years, before handing over the reins to focus on his self-build home project in Scotland. Martin continues to work for ConnX, using his 30 years of Industry knowledge to support new clients implementing software during the consultation and implementation phase.

Vicky Waine – Business Development lead
Vicky started work in Barcode Solutions way back in 2004! Since then she has worked for 10 years in a manufacturing environment, meaning she grasps the challenges which meet small businesses when considering implementing stock management solutions. Her approach involves listening and liaising with the development team to provide workable solutions for clients.

Ricky Harris – Support Manager
Ricky has worked for ConnX for 5 years, and prior to this he experienced ConnX Stock from the customer side, as he helped to implement our Stock Control solution in his last role. A former Warehouse Manager himself, Ricky speaks the language of our customers, and can adapt training to fit the needs of the individual.

Tracey Green – Accounts Manager

Tracey has worked in Auto-ID since 1993. She is the glue that holds our team together, with knowledge and resourcefulness which knows no bounds. Tracey works tirelessly to ensure we meet customer demands for hardware products as well as labels and ribbons.

The ConnX software ethos

ConnX software is the most configurable and customisable off the shelf stock management solution in the market today. ConnX software packs a punch, with powerful functionality in an easy to implement package. We know that for any business looking to change and automate existing processes, that it is implementation and adoption which are always the challenge. That is why we make our software bite sized (modular) and easy to learn and use. We also offer unlimited training and support to get our customers off the ground as we understand the path doesn’t always lead in a straight line.

Our sales process is consultative and collaborative. We will take as much time as needed to show you our solutions fit your needs. We provide extensive technical pre-sales support. This often means going above and beyond in terms of customisation, and we pride ourselves in being flexible in our approach so we can truly meet each customer’s unique business needs.

Our handpicked advice and support team all have incredibly valuable experience in Businesses that mirror our customers in terms of size and structure, and this means they are perfectly placed to understand and meet the specific challenges of your business.

Our core products

ConnX Stock – Barcode Stock Control software integrated to your Accounts package. Enter data once. Save time and resources. Reduce errors and gain 360°stock visibility in an instant.

Track IT – ConnX Business Solutions

WIP-IT – Work in Progress Tracking software. Create routes and track manufacturing jobs as they pass through each stage of production. Identify bottle necks, speed up processes and improve customer communication.

Work in Progress software for Job Tracking in Manufacturing (

Call Vicky on 0845 649 2950 to discuss your next project.

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