Work In progress or Job Tracking software harnesses barcode technology and shop floor data collection devices to enable you to scan your job as it passes through each step of the manufacturing process, giving you vital, real time data which can be used to monitor production, identify potential bottle necks as well as improve customer communication.
Work In Progress tracking, or WIP tracking, refers to the tracking of a Job or Works Order through the manufacturing process. In a WIP system, each item is tracked uniquely as it is fabricated, manufactured or processed. There are normally several steps to the manufacturing process and at each stage the item, or its Works Order sheet will be scanned and the required actions recorded.
This process provides a very accurate record of the items journey through assembly to finished product. With this information you also have a line of accountability when there are defects or production issues.
Why implement work in progress software?
If you are looking to track something through your business, whether it is a product being made, stock you are holding or assets that you own then ConnX Business Solutions can help. We offer both off the shelf and customisable software options to suit most budgets and applications. Our team has extensive experience in automated tracking systems and we don’t charge for advice. Contact us to discuss your project further at no obligation.