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Work In Progress and Job Tracking can help UK Manufacturing fight back in a tough operating climate.

In the UK, the manufacturing industry supports approximately 2.5 million jobs. Despite misconceptions to the contrary, they offer salaries, on average, 12% higher than the rest of the economy. However, with raw material costs spiralling, increased wage bills and extended lead times for many goods, the uncomfortable truth is the future will be tough going for many UK manufacturers.

Those manufacturers who make it through will emerge stronger. They will already be focused on processes to increase efficiency and create capacity. Taking a cold, hard look at the business processes are the most common places to start. Focusing on LEAN Manufacturing principles (Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, Perfection) empowers many manufacturing companies to harness the power of software technology. This provides better visibility of their work in progress and full production operations.

What is Work in Progress tracking?

Work In Progress tracking, refers to the tracking of a Job or Works Order through the manufacturing process. In a WIP system, each item is tracked uniquely as it is fabricated, manufactured or processed. There are normally several steps to the manufacturing process. At each stage the item, or its Works Order sheet will be scanned, and the required actions recorded.

In a recent interview with Media 7, Matt Mong, VP Market Innovation and Project Business Evangelist at Adeaca said “As technology takes over and enhances many of the processes we used to handle with manual labour, we are freed up to use our minds creatively, which leads to bigger and better leaps in innovation and productivity.” 

Increasing productivity and much more…

Increased productivity doesn’t end there. Implementing the use of software and technology tools can streamline your business. This leads to improved customer communication and increased production capacity as bottle necks are identified and resolved quickly.

For a small to medium sized manufacturing businesses, making the jump from manual processes to automated production tracking can feel daunting. Choosing a software partner who understands the unique challenges faced by UK SME manufacturers is essential.

ConnX Business Solutions

ConnX Business Solutions focus on barcode based WIP (work in progress) and job tracking solutions for manufacturing Companies in the UK. Their WIP-IT work in progress software is an incredibly powerful tool. A simple to use application that can be easily adopted by any business. Find out more here

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